What a week; so much news!
Please read Scott Davenport's message below. We really need some help with this!
I am pleased to let you know our Rotary Club of Highlands Ranch is going to be the host club for the Inbound Youth Exchange orientation September 13th - 15th.
As the host club we will be responsible to find host families for 2-5 students for Friday (Sept. 13th) and Saturday (Sept. 14th).
The host family will feed their students Friday night dinner, Saturday morning and Sunday morning breakfast.
Dropping and picking up host students at designated times and places.
There are 7 males and 4 females.
****Important note: hosting adults must submit to a background check for safety. It is not difficult but we need to get this done if you have not already. I can provide details****
I will host two students. We need about four to five other Rotarians to host. Please ask them to contact me if they would be willing to host that weekend. My email address is sdavenport1927@gmail.com and my phone number is 303-815-0317
Thank you all; thanks, Scott, for organizing and we hope to see you at 5 at Happy Hour!
Remember, also that Filippo, our new Italian Exchange Student, will be speaking at the noon meeting next week.
Come find out more about him!
Being involved with Rotary International Exchange changes lives for everyone. Give it a try. Be The Change.