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Welcome to a new Rotary Year!
As you all know, we were dark last week as we transitioned to a new Rotary Year.
This week our noon meeting is back and we will officially welcome our new President, Arthur. Please join us to hear Arthur's vision for the coming months.
We have an announcement (below) from Win for Flyin' B. We have also decided this week to include detailed Community Service notes as a way of updating members on all of the work being done by our club under this committee. Thank you to everyone who helps with their projects; this is the biggest area of involvement in our club in terms of time spent.
For new members, please review the individual projects below to see what might be of interest to you. Please do not be shy - reach out to the contact indicated with each activity and feel free to try new things. This is the best way to begin to feel like a Rotarian... by doing good work in the community.

And, a gentle reminder to everyone, please wear your Rotary "gear" when you are out and about. We want to be seen doing what we do!
1) For Flyin' B members:

The next meeting is this Thursday from 4-5 in the Ridge Classroom. The guest speaker will also be our new President, Arthur Cone III.  Quarterly dues of $60 are also due. The easiest way to pay is by check, delivered to our treasurer, Bill Butler, at the meeting. If it is more convenient, Bill will send an invoice and you can pay by mail.
2) From Terre Cone, we have extended notes this week.
Since there are not a lot of other announcements, we have decided to share more details from Community Service this week to bring everyone up to speed.

We will resume our regularly scheduled volunteer day on Wednesday, August 21 st. Claudia has shared a link for “Trauma Training” for members who volunteer. This is a 45-minute, informative video, which is beneficial to those interested in serving at IFCS in the future. Debby shared their desperate need for funds to purchase food products. Our Foundation may make a generous donation, soon. In the interim, please consider dropping off your donations of food, and gently used books for small children to read. For further information contact Claudia Caves at cjcaves123@gmail.com or 1+(262) 391-4833.
The schedule for this year has been completed. Connie will announce the needs of both schools after the new school year begins, giving teachers time to settle in with their new students before reaching out for help. For further information contact Connie Golas at savvytravelerrn@gmail.com or (303) 875-5666.
Carolyn presented a check for $500.00 to Elizabeth for Help and Hope from our
Foundation. On Saturday, June 22 nd, Elizabeth was joined by members of our club to collect food and funds for their Annual “Food Drive.”. Elizabeth reported the day was extremely successful. For further information contact Elizabeth Scofield at jgkmek@gmail.com or (970) 799-4321.

Since the YESS program has disbanded, we will now focus on All Health Network (offering seminars to parents of children with suicidal ideation and other mental health needs). Jan hopes to have more to report during our July meeting. For further information contact Jan Keyton at jankeyton@icloud.com or (303) 931-3827.
Arthur and Terre will contact Vanessa to schedule another dinner at the Aurora Ronald McDonald House for the end of July/beginning of August, date TBD. During the last meal, we were joined by a member of the Sunrise Club, Mike Runyon. We encourage more members of our satellite clubs to join us. For further information contact Arthur or Terre Cone at arthurcone@alc3llc.com or (303) 328-8761 or aconeiii@msn.com or (303) 518-

Project Cure takes place on the second Monday of the month from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at 10377 E. Geddes Way in Centennial. During our “Epic Day of Service,” several of our members joined those from the Denver Southeast club to pack and ship a container of medical supplies to war-torn Ukraine. For further information contact Steve Miller at janetandstevemiller@msn.com
or (303) 229-8726.

All of their “Mobile Markets” now use a “walk-up” format, providing volunteers with a safe environment and allowing for a true shopping experience for their recipients. The market takes place on the first Tuesday of each month at Daddy Bruce Randolph School in Denver. Terre mentioned that our next volunteer day is Tuesday, July 9th from 12:30- 3:00 p.m. We will feed between 200 and 300 families each time and all volunteers are encouraged to take food items for their own needs. Our club members are invited to visit their new facility for a tour. For further information contact Terre Cone at aconeiii@msn.com or (303) 518-8549.
Bags are always needed to provide a pleasant experience for recipients with chronic or terminal illnesses with medically tailored meals. This includes disabled veterans. Reen Gottron continues to provide the club with weekly design ideas, and she hosts a “Bag Lady Day” every other month, The next date, TBD. Elizabeth mentioned that we will receive bags from our newest Flying B’s Club. Judy Pendleton of their club presented Elizabeth with beautifully decorated bags at our Changing of the Guard Picnic. Robin Aguilar provided bags for children and their parents to decorate for a summer project. During the new school year, we may contact Douglas County Schools to provide an opportunity for students who want to become future volunteers and community leaders. For further information contact Elizabeth Scofield or Reen Gottron at jgkmek@gmail.com or (970) 799-4321 or
reengottron@gmail.com or (720) 205-9843.

We will host a dinner for students and staff members three times next year. Debby mentioned that one or more students will now receive a scholarship from our Foundation. If members have gently used clothing, books, shelf-stable snacks, or other items, please bring them to the school located at 9350 Teddy Lane in Lone Tree and ask for Crystal Rollins @ (303) 387-0870. She will be there on several days this summer. For further information contact Claudia Caves at cjcaves123@gmail.com or 1+262-391-4833.

Sadly, we were unable to find volunteers this year, but we look forward to participating next summer. Perhaps some of our younger, more fit members would be interested. They have received a check for $500.00 from our Foundation. For further information contact Kevin Mizer at kevin.r.mizer@gmail.com or (303) 880-4364.
*Carolyn discussed the desire to attract more impactful projects. Some of those discussed were: “The Backpack Society,” “Kits for Cops,” and “Blankets for Children’s Hospital” in November. If you have additional ideas, please contact Carolyn Bradish at cfbradish@gmail.com or (303) 257-5254.
*Carolyn shared with members how she constructs our budget (according to funded
and hands-on projects) each year for our Foundation.

*Terre discussed donating an Italian Food and Wine basket to The Douglas County
School District Bridge Program
(offering special needs “post-high school grad students” 
2 years of continuing education to learn life and work skills). Carolyn and Terre will work on this together, (agreeing that we could donate $200.00 worth of products for their Annual Car and Bike Show Auction on September 7, 2024). If you have something you might like to donate or for further information contact Terre Cone at aconeiii@msn.com or (303) 471-6077 before August 10th.

*Our next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, July 18, 2024, at 11:00 a.m.

*We encourage members of the Sunrise and Flying B’s clubs to join us in any of our
projects, and we would be interested in learning more about, and possibly joining them in some of theirs.

Here’s to another year of
“Service Above Self!”
Executives & Directors
Program Chair, Flying B
President Elect
Past President
Highlands Ranch Rotary Foundation Trustee Designee
HRRC Foundation Chair
Sunrise Club President
Recording Secretary
Public Relations
Rotary International Foundation Designee
Bulletin Editor
Kim DeCoste

Are you an established professional who wants to make positive changes in your community and the world?

Our club members are dedicated people who share a passion for community service and friendship. Becoming a Rotarian connects you with a diverse group who share your drive to give back.

Our 1.2 million-member organization started with the vision of one man—Paul P. Harris. The Chicago attorney formed one of the world’s first service organizations, the Rotary Club of Chicago, on 23 February 1905 as a place where professionals with diverse backgrounds could exchange ideas and form meaningful, lifelong friendships. Rotary’s name came from the group’s early practice of rotating meetings among the offices of each member.
You are invited to visit us at an upcoming meeting.
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