The Rotary Club of Highlands Ranch: The Wheel Spinner
January 16, 2024
Jeannie Taylor passed The Rock this week to Phil Clarke with gratitude and appreciation.
A Quick Snapshot of the Noon Meeting:
Thanks for your patience this week as we are shaking the sand out of the keyboard after a work-related trip to California.
Special thanks to Kari Brown for her notes, which were MUCH appreciated on a week when several "Assistant Wheel Spinners" were out ill or helping family.
Thanks to Maria Navarez who was the Greeter last week.
President Arthur memorialized Jimmy Carter in his "This Week in History" segment. Scott Davenport offered a Carter-themed Inspiration with The Pledge. Thanks to Scott.
We welcomed New Members Jean and David Baker-Temple.
Claudia Caves introduced our speaker, Lee Dana Christian, who presented via Zoom. She is the Executive Director of "Tell Our Story". There is information on Amazon about the "Tell My Story Card Game" and how we can share more about our lives with future generations.
Zig Berzins spoke briefly about the Solar Panels for Ukraine project that he and Terre have so far spear-headed with the help of our Angel Investor. Zig shared impacts, future meeting plans, and long-term plans to expand the reach of this effort to other places. He hopes to make the "assemble and package" efforts such as the one we had at Mountain Vista a Quarterly event. He plans the next one for April. Kim DeCoste is initiating conversations with Dr. Page, Principal at Highlands Ranch High School and will have updates on that prospect soon.
President Arthur's announcements included the following notes:
Please sign up and purchase tickets ASAP for the President's Dinner on February 1st.
Nominations for the Board of Directors begin now. Terre will "roll off" the Board, as a President-Elect for the next year. There will be three openings and the Board will nominate Alan Balfour. Arthur is pulling together a nominating committee to help identify other prospects.
Kristy will be announcing details soon for the Friendship Dinners.
The Ronald McDonald House Dinner is coming on January 27th and we could use some volunteers. Please contact Arthur or Terre if you would like to help them, as this is a project to which they devote a great deal of time.
Finally, President Arthur reminds us that the club is dark on the last Thursday of the month, January 27th.
One additional note we got (We believe, via email to President Arthur, from District Governor, Tamie Fennel) is that our very own Bill Simmermon has been confirmed as the 5th District Governor for 2027-28 year from our Club! Heartiest congratulations, Bill. We are delighted for your, and of course, you will have our full support. (Even those of us, who will be "visiting Rotarians" to this Club from time-to-time.)
Family of Rotary:
We were reminded of the details of Earl Hasz's Celebration of Life on February 22nd at 10 am. We will post reminders again and continue to send love and healing thoughts to Mary Kay and their family and friends.
We also got a short update about Bob Larson and will share those details next week.
We will provide the updated committee and satellite groups in a future email if they are time-sensitive or in next week's "normal" Wheel Spinner.
Thank you for your patience with this travel interruption. We will also have a week away in February, so if there is someone available for the meeting on February 20th. Please contact Kim DeCoste ( if you are available to take notes and/or a couple of photos that week. (We will be house hunting in Maryland.)
See you all tomorrow. Bundle up, today was the "warm" day of the week, they say.
Our 1.2 million-member organization started with the vision of one man—Paul P. Harris. The Chicago attorney formed one of the world’s first service organizations, the Rotary Club of Chicago, on 23 February 1905 as a place where professionals with diverse backgrounds could exchange ideas and form meaningful, lifelong friendships. Rotary’s name came from the group’s early practice of rotating meetings among the offices of each member.
You are invited to visit us at an upcoming meeting.