Tomorrow, Saturday the 29th, is the Changing of the Guard Party.
Please join us from 12-3pm at the Northridge Recreation Center Pavilion for a great time. The meal is catered but we ask that members help out with food. Noon members, please bring a side dish (not coldslaw) and Sunrise members, please bring a dessert.
The weather people say it is going to be a lovely day; remember to bring chairs, a hat, and sunblock!
For new members, this is an annual event to mark the beginning of a New Rotary Year. We have a new RI President (See your magazine for details about President Stephanie Urchick) and we will celebrate a new Club President.
As we said at the last meeting, we are grateful to almost-Past-President Bob (aka "El Jefe") for his spirited leadership this past year. He brought lots of laughs to the podium for sure.
We will be welcoming our next President Arthur on Saturday as well as new Board of Director roles for some and other key leadership changes.
We hope to see you there and, as a final reminder, please plan to join us for the Fourth of July Parade next week. We will beging decorating the "float" at 7:30 in Target parking lot off Lucent. The Parade kicks off at 9. We need a few float riders and several people to walk along side and pass our flyers for the Peach Sale!