Rotary Youth / RYLA

RCHR Youth focused programs include Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA), Junior RYLA and RYLA Plus for Special Needs Students, Douglas County Student of the Month
Scholarships, Kohl’s Santa Clothes Program, Sedalia Elementary School, Rotary Student Exchange Program, Be About Bliss, Girls State, and Highlands Ranch Community Association Scholarships.
Scholarships, Kohl’s Santa Clothes Program, Sedalia Elementary School, Rotary Student Exchange Program, Be About Bliss, Girls State, and Highlands Ranch Community Association Scholarships.
RYLA & Young RYLA leadership conference online applications can be found at If you have an eligible student who might have interest, please read about this wonderful leadership program on the website. If you wish to apply, applications are ONLY submitted online through the above website.
RCHR started its Youth Exchange Program, when we were charted as a Rotary Club in 1985. The Rotary Youth Exchange Program is one of the oldest and largest in the world. It was started in 1929 in Europe and in our Rotary District in 1954. Approximately 8,000 students participate as rotary exchange students each year. The purpose of the Rotary Youth Exchange Program is to further international goodwill and understanding by allowing qualified students to serve as ambassadors in a foreign country while advancing their education in a culture not their own. High School students are interviewed and sponsored by the club and attend school in a foreign country. The students spend from nine to twelve
months in the foreign land. The students usually have no previous language experience of their host country. Highlands Ranch Rotary has participated in recruiting students and hosting students for the Year Long Exchange since our first year of service.