
Weekly Bulletin for the week of January 23, 2025 

President Arthur was delighted to show us our new PODIUM. If you knew the old one, you would understand how great the new one is.
Jeanette Reynolds and her son presented at the noon meeting about their "heart project", the 501(c)3, Miles for Madison.
This week, Phil Clarke passed The Rock along to Ray Anderson.
A warm welcome to our newest members, Jean Baker-Temple and David Temple.
In our Inspiration, Debby Doig reminded us of the "Power of One Person" by sharing details about the life of  Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 

Meeting Notes from the (Noon Meeting) & Announcements 


We will be DARK this Thursday (1/30/25), but see you next week at the usual time and place for the noon meeting. 
Thanks to our greeter this week, Shannon O'Brien. Our Inspiration and the pledge were given by Debby Doig who shared the quote, "Everybody can be great because anyone can serve".
Our guests (shown above) were our newest members, Jean Baker-Temple and David Temple.
As noted, The Rock traveled from Phil Clarke to the well-deserving hands of Ray Anderson.
Our program was Jeanette Reynolds and her son of Miles for Madison. Their Colorado-based 501(c)3 works to build awareness around inclusion and facilitate the construction of Prospect Park in Sterling Ranch. The park was funded by the county and by Sterling Ranch's developer. They raised $2.5 Million for the construction. Ribbon Cutting at the park is scheduled for June 7, 2025.

As they move forward, post-construction they are turning their focus to Inclusive Sports and the ongoing normalization of Inclusion so that all people can enjoy the same kinds of experiences, such as playing on a playground.

On September 20. 2025, they have their fourth annual Fun Run and 5K. 
Family of Rotary:
We have continued to check in with Bob Larson who is still recuperating from illness earlier in the year. He is working on his balance now and as soon as he is well enough, we look forward to seeing him at the new podium again, auctioning wine for the club. Get well soon, Bob. You are missed.
Reminders & Updates:
  • THE PRESIDENT OF ROTARY INTERNATIONAL will be be in Denver for a dinner on February 1, 2024 at The Wings Over the Rockies Museum. Please note there are NO WALK-INs being allowed to the event. A group is attending from our club and will enjoy a great evening with The President and in support of our District Governor, Tamie Fennel. Ray Anderson was "coordinating" how we can sit together, for those planing to attend.
  • We were also reminded the "Early Bird" rate for THE RI CONVENTION in Calgary in JUNE of 2025. Many of us will be there! Let's make it a group adventure and show up in force, RCHR! There was also an email from Bev Mendel in the District Office about tours for Rotarians who attend.

  • Marion Tummer sat next to Kim and let the table know that the Costa Rica Literacy trip is scheduled for May 20, 2025-May 29, 2025. You may contact Marion if you would like information.

  • Shannon O'Brien is heading to Namibia on Saturday 2/1 and is taking a rolling suitcase full of school supplies. Please contact Shannon ASAP if you would like to offer supplies for her suitcase. 

  • Neil DiLorenzo shared that our own Filippo Molinari took the SAT a week prior and scored a 1200! Filippo is also a gymnast and he competed at a large tournament at The Air Force Academy and won 1st and 2nd place in two separate events. Congratulations, Filippo! We are so proud of your ongoing success!

  • Reen reminded us that she is going to Calgary if anyone would like a female roommate, please contact her.


A few final words from The President's Podium:

  • On 2/20 the noon meeting (as is required in our Bylaws) will be an "Open For Business" Forum. Entrepreneurs and others are invited to share with the club a brief summary of their services and practice areas.
  • Last, but not least, we have another mandatory announcement regarding open seats for the Board of Directors. This is week two of the process. 

    The following people have now either raised their hands or been nominated.
    As of noon last week, the following people had been announced/nominated. We will hear more soon. The names we heard last week were:
    • Scott Smith - Nominated by Jane Kucharski 
    • Shannon O'Brien - self-nominated at the meeting
    • Alan Balfour - nominated by The Board

      Very soon, we will be asked to vote (via email). Please watch your email for this very important chance to make a choice that will determine the future leadership of our club. Your voice matters and the votes will be counted!



Sunrise Meetings Group Update

From their most recent meeting on January 22nd, we have the following notes from Colette Hepp. (Thanks, Colette!):

  • Guests included Kevin Misner and Dr. Peter Kelly. Dr. Kelly is building a new chiropractic practice in Littleton on S. Parker Lane if anyone needs an adjustment.
  • They are working on all the details of 5/2/25 event. Sponsors are still being sought.
  • All "Cause Champions" are reminded to submit funding requests by 3/1.
  • Sunrise Club is working to sych their bylaws with the noon club bylaws.
  • The next Noon Club BoD meeting is 1/29 at 7 am at Lost Coffee in Highlands Ranch.

Flyin' B Meeting Update

Oh, the Flyin' B is already humming along for the New Year!

  • Reminder that we meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month from 4-5pm in the Longs Ridge Classroom. We often gather after the meeting for a "Dutch" dinner at The Windows Restaurant. 

  • Nominations for Club Officers has begun and the following people have been suggested:

    • Chairman - Win 

    • Secretary - Judy 

    • Treasurer - Bill

    • Sgt. at Arms - Carol

    • Programming Chair - Dan

  •  They are still hoping to find - Events & Activities Chair, Member Chair, HR Rotary Board Representative, and Chair-elect for 2026. Nominations on the floor on the day of the vote (2/13/25) will be allowed or please see Bill, Dan, or Darlene.

  • We will continue to discuss the History of the 4 Way Test and real world examples of how to apply it in our everyday lives at Wind Crest.

  • It is time for Dues to Bill for $60. Please bring them to a meeting or his is box #2301 in the Town Center Cubbies.

  • Finally, the following events have been approved by Wind Crest:

    • Electronic Recycling 5/2/25

    • Shoe Collection 5/17/25

    • Blood Drives 5/31 and 11/1/25

    • Trees/Pollinator Planting in April/May​​​​​​​

Additional Committee News and Other Announcements

The Social Committee will have a new event calendar for 2025 soon. Stay tuned! Friendship dinners are on the horizon for February and details are coming soon.
RCHR Board - 2nd Wednesday each month 7:30-9 am
Highlands Ranch Rotary Foundation - 3rd Thursday 9-11:30am
Community Service - 3rd Thursday 11am. 
International Service Committee (ISC) - 2nd Thursday 11am

Phil asked us to note the following:
ISC would like to expand upon the success of the Solar Panels for Ukraine effort. Zig Berzins is looking for help to do this both as a Co-chair is needed and he is considering bringing this effort under ISC as a sub-committee. Details are pending but would require that he has more help to organize and carry-through with this commitment.

Finally, the ISC is looking at the following ideas RE: Solar Panels:
  • Working to persuade Peace Corp to adopt this into the work they are doing through and international partnership with Rotary.
  • Pitching something at the International Conference in Calgary.
  • Considering pursuing a District Grant. For this, a grant lead would be needed to write the grant request.
  • Adding Solar Panels to the Shelter Boxes.
Military Support - 4th Wednesday 8am via Zoom
Membership Committee
Next meeting is in February.

Youth / RYLA

PR Committee 


   The Rotary Club of Highlands Ranch

A reminder that we will need a replacement Editor for The Wheel Spinner by May 1, 2025 at the latest . If you are interested, please contact Kim DeCoste or President Arthur. 

Yours in Rotary,

~Kim DeCoste, Editor 
+303.588.2733 (call/text)

Feb 06, 2025
Survey review and discussion
Feb 13, 2025
Centennial Water
Feb 20, 2025
Mar 06, 2025
Project Cure
Mar 13, 2025
Eagle Academy, scholarships
Mar 27, 2025
Estate Planning: Planning for Incapacity, Probate, and Beyond.
View entire list
Upcoming Events
Project C.U.R.E.
Feb. 10, 2025
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
RCHR Board Meeting
Eastridge Rec Center
Feb. 12, 2025
7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
International Services Committee Mtg.
Feb. 13, 2025
11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Trivia, Tacos, and Tequila
Lone Tree Golf Club & Hotel
Feb. 18, 2025 6:00 p.m.
Highlands Ranch Rotary Foundation Mtg.
Lone Tree Golf Club & Hotel
Feb. 20, 2025 10:00 a.m.
Community Service Committee Mtg.
Lone Tree Golf Club & Hotel
Feb. 20, 2025
11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Military Support Committee Mtg.
Zoom only
Feb. 26, 2025
8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
Project C.U.R.E.
Mar. 10, 2025
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
RCHR Board Meeting
Eastridge Rec Center
Mar. 12, 2025
7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
International Services Committee Mtg.
Mar. 13, 2025
11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
View entire list
Join Us for a Meeting!
We offer different meeting times to accommodate individual schedules: 
Sunrise Meeting
We meet for breakfast the 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month
HRCA Eastridge Rec Center
9568 S University Blvd
Highlands Ranch, CO 80126
Noon Meeting
We meet for lunch the first four Thursdays of each month
12:00pm - 1:30pm
Lone Tree Golf Club & Hotel
9808 Sunningdale Blvd
Lone Tree, CO  80124

Flyin' B Meeting
We meet the 2nd & 4th Thursday of each month
Wind Crest Senior Living
Long's Ridge Classroom
3235 Mill Vista Rd
Highlands Ranch, CO 80129

Our club is open to anyone who wants to be a positive force in our community and the world!
Additional Links
Rotary International
Rotary District 5450
Advertisement for Russell Hampton
Advertisement for ClubRunner
Advertisement for ClubRunner Mobile
For more detailed information on what's happening in our club, check out our website at