We are off the races, ladies and gentlemen, as we kick off a new Rotary Year! What inspires you? What will you DO this year in the spirit of SERVICE ABOVE SELF?
It is a GREAT day to be a Rotarian. As we were reminded at the meeting, the new Rotary Year is a blank page. There is much to do and little time to waste. We hope you are as excited as we are to crush incoming President Arthur's 2024 Goals.
Our meeting began with thoughtful inspiration from the lovely Terre Cone. She shared a poem by Helen Steiner Rice called "The Golden Chain of Friendship".
We did have guests and visiting Rotarians at the last meeting:
*Bill Simmermon had two visitors, Dan Levitt, a local friend, and Shelly Falk from Belize.
*Kari Brown brought her son, Remington, who was also brave enough to offer a happy dollar for summer break later in the meeting.
Our visitors were Tim and Linda Bullock. Tim is the Immediate Past President of a Rotary Club in Los Alamos.
We had the monthly list of birthdays, wedding anniversaries, and Rotary anniversaries. It is remarkable how "steady" so many of our members are both in their long marriages and in their long devotion to being a Rotarian.
We had a few pre-program announcements:
President Arthur also called Jerry Wilford to the podium to acknowledge his long service to our club. Jerry has been our club's RI representative since 1986 and is now "retiring" from this role. Stepping in, we are very lucky to have "Big" John Kennett. Our thanks to both gentlemen. Jerry received a lovely gift also as a token of our thanks and esteem.
Bob Larson gave The Rock to Neil DiLorenzo this week in thanks for all he does, and especially for his work with Youth Exchange. We do have a new student coming soon.
We were reminded about PEACH SALES which have begun. We have ambitious goals for this year, so please visit the club page and order your peaches or pears right away. We have orders underway and there is also still room for partners if anyone is interested.
Finally, Terre Cone reminded the club that our annual District Awards are now being submitted at a different time of year. She could use help if anyone would like to help her with that process of submission.
Our Program last Thursday:
President Arthur used the time this past week to introduce himself to the club. He gave a great high-level background story about himself, his career, and his devoted family, including his and Terre's two young adult daughters.
He hails from New Jersey and had grandparents in Manhattan, NY. So Arthur also had a childhood that included "city" time. He went to William & Mary for his undergraduate education, and then took a turn and attended and graduated from The Culinary Institute of New York. Eventually, he also earned an MBA from Radford University as well.
His career took him from the kitchen into Food and Beverage Management in the Hospitality Industry, from which he retired in 2015. Retirement did not end up suiting him at that time, so he returned to work; this time in the Financial Service Industry from which he did finally retire in 2021. He and Terre married in 1987.
As we know, President Arthur has faced significant health challenges, which he acknowledged, while also thanking members for their ongoing support and faith in his leadership. He expressed gratitude and enthusiasm for the year ahead.
With respect to club goals, as stated, we are going to raise the bar again in 2024-25. Please note that the official goals have been entered into ClubRunner for your review and consideration.
Here are the main points that were highlighted:
- We will increase membership by net 11 new members.
-We will commit $125,000 to Bright Futures. That campaign has begun and was discussed at length. Please start thinking about your annual commitment now. When you get "the call" inquiring about your intended gift, if you miss the call, please call back promptly. Our volunteers are working on a tight timeline and do not want to stalk you!
-Our commitment to the Foundation is going up to $40,000.
-Our commitment to Polio Plus is $4500 this year.
-We will create and sponsor two new programs this year.
-We will send at least 18 students to RYLA/Young RYLA this year.
-We will hold FOUR social activities in the new year! :-)
Please note that there will be a membership survey forthcoming. Your timely and honest reply is much appreciated.
A reminder that Bill Leeper and Carolyn Bradish will sponsor two Ice Cream socials on 8/3.
This Saturday (7/20) Steve Werner and the Rotary Club of Denver Southeast are hosting an event called Hops and Vines in the DTC area. Please visit the DSE website for details or reach out to Steve Werner.
We wrapped up the meeting with another successful wine auction of a lovely bottle Reen brought from Slovenia! Of course, there were lots of happy dollars with many celebrating President Arthur and "First Lady" Terre as well as other happy personal milestones.
Enjoy the next couple of days, friends, and see you for lunch on Thursday!
~Your Wheel Spinner "team" :-)