The Rotary Club of
Highlands Ranch
Chartered 1987
Meeting Notes from July 25, 2024
The noon meeting began with inspiration from President Arthur. He read a great piece from The Wall Street Journal's Monday Morning column. It was the "ABCs of life" according to the musician Usher.
Our guests included a teacher from Atlanta,  Shelly from Belize again, Win Pendleton from the Flyin' B group, and Ron Lester.
Neil DiLorenzo gave the rock to Debby Doig this week to honor all that she has done and continues to do for the club.
Our speakers this week were from The Peace Corp. Heather Thompson and Tily Phannenstiel presented about the Special Office of the 3rd Goal as well as the Virtual Service Projects that are available to prospective volunteers. We were reminded of the availability of former Peace Corps volunteers to speak not only to civic groups but also in classrooms. There are numerous ways Peace Corps fosters Global Connections that were discussed.

The Virtual Service Project is an excellent way to become involved and is available to anyone willing to commit even just a few hours per week. The majority of volunteers offer 5-15 hours per week over a 3-6 month period. There is no age limit and the only requirement is that one must be a US Citizen. You may find information online where you are asked to browse opportunities frequently, as new projects are posted often.
Additional Updates & Announcements:
Special thanks went out to Kari Brown for her dedication to solving an email issue that impacted peach sale outreach. Kari is one of the special people who is devoted to helping behind the scenes and we appreciate her effort!
President Arthur offers extra congratulations to Shrin Murthy, Debby Doig, and Tamie Fennell for their "Super Achievement" awards presented by Past President Bob Martin, for their tireless efforts in raising $530,000 to support the very first "Rotary Fellow" through the "Colorado Rotary Endowed Fellowship for Pediatric Mental Health", which will benefit children in all 64 counties of Colorado who suffer with mental health challenges. This program will live on in perpetuity, thanks to you all for your hard work!

He also offered congratulations to Terre Cone, our Rotarian of the Year, selected by Past President Bob Martin for her dedication to our club and our community. She promises to make Rotary her lifelong vocation. Thank you, Terre!
We have about 2 weeks left for Peach Sales. So far we have sold 615 cases. Tell your friends and neighbors and share the QR code easily via text, as Bill Simmermon shared he has done with great results.
The Update on Bright Futures is that we have $85,000 of our goal of more than $125,000. You will get a call from a volunteer to ask about your donation. We really hope to have 100% participation, so please return those calls and give as you can. Every bit is helpful! We will do a wine draw this Thursday with the names of those who have committed to donate, so get those pledges in. Please make checks payable to The Highlands Ranch Rotary Foundation and you can bring your check to Shrin, donate online, or mail your check to the PO Box. Ask your friends and family to support the effort also, as we were reminded, "We don't discriminate. We will take money from anyone!"
Please consider helping the club in a leadership role. We need a new Committee Chair for the International Committee. Connie will serve in the role until a replacement can be identified.
Remember the screening of "Join or Die" is being hosted by The District on August 3rd.
Also please save the date for September 28, 2024, for the District Conference and talk to President Arthur or Terre if you would like to help in a 30-minute shift in the House of Friendship.
President Arthur asks that if you would like time on the meeting agenda, please reach out to him one way or another to request a slot at least one day before the meeting so he can plan accordingly and keep our meetings on time.
We will be doing a baked potato bar for the Eagle Academy on 8/20. Please see Claudia if you would like to help out.
IFCS will be on 8'/21 from 8-11:30 and we need 4-6 volunteers to help, please. Also, they still urgently need feminine hygiene products and deodorant because government funds are not allowed to be used for these essential products. Please bring your contributions to the meeting and leave them on the table when you enter.
We had happy updates from Ron about Ann's cancer. Her immunotherapy is going well and there are no new tumors. We were also delighted to hear from Phil that he will be receiving a stem cell transfer via infusion on 8/22 and if it goes well, it is a potential cure for his blood cancer! We are so grateful for the news from both families and we continue to offer prayers and best wishes for improvement.
There were many other happy dollar contributions as it seems summer is treating our members and their families well!
Additional Announcements:
On 8/14 we will have a RYLA dinner at the Northridge Pavilion from 5:30-7. Rylarians and their parents are invited along with any interested Rotarians. The kids will speak about their experiences at RYLA. If you would like to attend, please RSVP to Jan by 8/10 so she can plan the meals. Her number is 303-931-3827.
Please get your checkbook out and pull together a foursome. We will auction Golf and carts for 4 at this week's meeting.
Highlights from Flyin' B last week:
-They had a special guest, Trixie Milliman, whose grandfather designed the first Rotary Wheel!
-The group is pulling together a steering committee and working on a Mission Statement.
-Two new members were pinned, Bob Taylor, and Arlene Pellegrino. This brings their membership to 18 and they are exploring new meeting venue options!
-In the spirit of the noon club's Rock Award, Flyin'B has an Apple Trophy to pass. This week's winner was Maddie!
These are the notes we have for the past week. Updates for additional committee meetings will be in the next Wheel Spinner as a reminder for August.

Enjoy the rest of the week until we meet on Thursday!
~Your Wheel Spinner "Team"
Meeting Notes from July 25, 2024
Executives & Directors
Program Chair, Flying B
President Elect
Past President
Highlands Ranch Rotary Foundation Trustee Designee
HRRC Foundation Chair
Sunrise Club President
Recording Secretary
Public Relations
Rotary International Foundation Designee
Aug 01, 2024
Aug 01, 2024
YLY, an offshoot of RYLA
Aug 08, 2024
Pediatric cancer treatment
Aug 15, 2024
Importance of Blood Donation
Aug 22, 2024
World Affairs Challenge
Sep 05, 2024
Sep 19, 2024
Rotary, An Expression of Who We Are
View entire list
Upcoming Events
International Services Committee Mtg.
Aug. 08, 2024
11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Project C.U.R.E.
Aug. 12, 2024
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
RCHR Board Meeting
Eastridge Rec Center
Aug. 14, 2024
7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
Highlands Ranch Rotary Foundation Mtg.
Lone Tree Golf Club & Hotel
Aug. 15, 2024 10:00 a.m.
Community Service Committee Mtg.
Lone Tree Golf Club & Hotel
Aug. 15, 2024
11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
24th Annual Peach & Pear Sale
Aug. 17, 2024
1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Peach & Pear Order Pickup 2024
Highlands Ranch Eastridge Rec Center
Aug. 17, 2024
1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Trivia, Tacos, and Tequila
Lone Tree Golf Club & Hotel
Aug. 20, 2024 6:00 p.m.
Military Support Committee Mtg.
Zoom only
Aug. 28, 2024
8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
Project C.U.R.E.
Sep. 09, 2024
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
View entire list
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